Join 20.000 fellow Nuxt & Vue Developers to learn everything Nuxt.js has to offer in 2022! Get a chance to speak and interact with Nuxt experts and contributors during live Q&A sessions!
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Meet Our Speakers and Presenters
Nuxt.js creators and community experts are joining forces in Nuxt Nation.
Sébastien Chopin
Author of Nuxt_js
Pooya Parsa
Creator of Nitro and UnJS and Co-Creator of Nuxt3
Daniel Roe
Digital Product Development Expert-in-Residence at Imperial Enterprise Lab
Framework Architect at NuxtLabs
Director at The Poetry Company
Michael Thiessen
Mastering Nuxt 3 Instructor
Vue.js Educator
Evan You
Creator of Vue.js and Vite
Anthony Fu
Vue.js, Nuxt and Vite Core team member
Creator of Vitest, Slidev, VueUse, UnoCSS, Elk, Type Challenges
Cecelia Martinez
Lead Developer Advocate at Ionic Framework
Organizer at ATLJavaScript
Lucie Haberer
Nuxt Core Team
Developer Experience Engineer at Prismic
Daniel Kelly
Lead Vue School Instructor
Vue.js Forge Master of Code
Filip Rakowski
Co-founder & CDXO Alokai
MACH Tech Council Member
Matias Capeletto
Vite.js Core Team member
Open Source at StackBlitz
Vue team member
Joran Quinten
Engineering Manager at Jumbo Supermarkten
Cody Bontecou
Senior Fullstack Engineer at DEPT®
Eduardo San Martin Morote
Creator of Pinia and Vue Router
Mastering Pinia instructor
Consultant, Front-End Developer
Kevin Deng (三咲智子)
Vue.js, VueUse, and Element Plus team member
Jakub Andrzejewski
Senior Dev & Advocate at Alokai
Nuxt, Storyblok & Algolia ambassador
Google Dev Expert in Web Performance
Harlan Wilton
Open Source Developer
Alba Silvente
Nuxt Ambassador
FullStack Engineer at Storyblok
Paul Melero
Vue Dose Advocate
Senior Frontend Developer
Alvaro Saburido
Author of TresJS
Alexander Lichter
Nuxt Core Team
Managing Director at Developmint
Yaël Guilloux
Lead Frontend Developer at NuxtLabs
Master of Ceremony
Jenn Junod
Master of Ceremony
Developer Advocate at Aiven
Program Committee
Alex Kyriakidis
Founder & CEO Vue School
Author of the first Vue.js book
Sébastien Chopin
Author of Nuxt_js
Ana Marija Majkić
Community Manager at Vue School
Pooya Parsa
Creator of Nitro and UnJS and Co-Creator of Nuxt3
Daniel Roe
Digital Product Development Expert-in-Residence at Imperial Enterprise Lab
Framework Architect at NuxtLabs
Director at The Poetry Company
Our two days, single track lineup will feature live and interactive talks from the Nuxt creator, Nuxt industry leaders, contributors, and experts.
Time expressed in your local timezone (UTC)
02:00 PM
Jenn Junod
MC intro
02:10 PM
Sébastien Chopin
Nuxt 3 Keynote
Discover what the Nuxt and NuxtLabs team have been working on the last two years to make Nuxt 3 a reality.
02:35 PM
Michael Thiessen
Error Handling in Nuxt
Recovering gracefully from errors is important in any production app. Learn how to add client-side and server-side error handling, recover from errors, and sleep better at night knowing your app is rock-solid.
03:00 PM
Coffee Break
03:10 PM
Kevin Deng (三咲智子)
Introduction to Vue Macros
Explore and extend more macros and syntax sugar to Vue.js!
03:20 PM
Paul Melero
Creating custom DevTools for your app
Testing your app in development or in a pre-prod environment is not always straightforward depending on your infrastructure and teams structure. So, in order to improve the developer experience of your team, and leverage debugging and testing capabilities for different stakeholders, you can include custom "devtools" in your app.
03:35 PM
Coffee Break
03:45 PM
Filip Rakowski
How Nuxt 3 is allowing us to build faster applications?
Nuxt.js team will soon release a fully-featured, production-ready, third major version of the framework. You probably saw many videos and articles highlighting some of the amazing new features taking the developer experience to the next level. There is one more reason to be excited about Nuxt 3 - it’s much faster!
04:15 PM
Lucie Haberer
Eduardo San Martin Morote
Alexander Lichter
Jakub Andrzejewski
Nuxt Insiders LIVE Panel
One of the strengths of Nuxt is that it is an open source, community project. Many people contribute to Nuxt, whether that is to the framework itself or to articles, tutorials and other libraries. Join this LIVE panel to learn more about the work of Nuxt Insiders!
05:00 PM
Coffee Break
05:10 PM
Daniel Kelly
Leveling Up Nuxt: Nuxt 2 -> Nuxt 3
Are you familiar with Nuxt 2 but haven’t had the time to really dig into all the new features of Nuxt 3 yet? Well now’s the time! In this talk I’ll give you an overview the most exciting new features including lightning fast development with Vite, out of this world TypeScript Support, Server API routes, incremental static generation, and more! Plus, we’ll also take a high level look at what’s involved with migrating from Nuxt 2 to Nuxt 3.
05:35 PM
Alexander Lichter
Multi-variant apps with Nuxt 3
In this talk, you will see how to extend your Nuxt application based on another project, be it your own "base template" or a totally different GitHub repository. Thanks to Nuxt 3's `extends` key, multi-variant apps can be created just with a bit of configuration. Together we will have a look at the built-in solution, why it is way more powerful than "just adding a component library" and how to apply it to your projects!
06:00 PM
Cecelia Martinez
Build & Deploy Mobile Apps with Nuxt Ionic
Do you love building with Nuxt but need a native mobile experience? Nuxt Ionic is an out-of-the-box integration that lets you build Nuxt applications with a native look and feel leveraging Ionic components, composables, and icons. Nuxt Ionic automatically imports what you need from the Ionic framework mobile UI toolkit, as well as Capacitor, which provides native mobile device functionality and builds for iOS and Android. This talk will cover the features and use cases of Nuxt Ionic, how to get started, and even deploying your mobile app to users with Ionic's Appflow platform.
06:25 PM
Jenn Junod
MC outro
02:00 PM
Jenn Junod
MC Intro
02:10 PM
Evan You
Matias Capeletto
Sébastien Chopin
Pooya Parsa
Anthony Fu
Nuxt and Vite Core Teams LIVE panel
Discover how these two stellar frameworks can work together and uncover the future possibilities of their growth and collaboration, all directly from the source - Join the live discussion between Evan You, Matias Capeletto, Anthony Fu, Pooya Parsa, and Sebastien Chopin to get the juicy details!
02:55 PM
Joran Quinten
Nuxt as the backbone of a scalable E-commerce platform
At Jumbo, one of the largest grocery chains in the Netherlands, we value the independent nature and ownership of teams, while we also strive to put the customer first. The talk is about the journey we took coming from a monolith (teams working on the same codebase) to having specific Nuxt applications spread across teams, where each team has full ownership and responsibility on their piece of software. This Nuxt at scale model can be applied to all sorts of companies where multiple development teams work in the same landscape.
03:20 PM
Coffee Break
03:30 PM
Cody Bontecou
End-to-end type safety using Nuxt and tRPC
03:55 PM
Alvaro Saburido
Add 3D to your Nuxt site using ThreeJS
Join me in this journey to add a new dimension to your Nuxt sites enhancing your users experience with 3D using WebGL and ThreeJS - How 3D can enhance your site - WebGL technology and ThreeJS library - Create a Nuxt v3 application - Rendering a simple scene (Core parts, camera, light, geometry) - How to make it work between a VueJS component - Adding animation loop - Using composables (warning about reactivity) - Using client-only for SSR - Mention to TroisJS
04:10 PM
Coffee Break
04:20 PM
Pooya Parsa
UnJS: Nuxt 3 behind the scenes
In the journey of making Nuxt, we have faced a new challenge: How can we build a maintainable meta-framework, built on top of modern, high-quality, and compatible packages? Vue, Typescript and Vite, powering the core of Nuxt 3. We needed more components to infuse together making a solid Web framework. UnJS was born from small and composable solutions, each designed perfectly for its job. As of today, there are 55+ UnJS packages powering Nuxt 3 and many more open source projects. In this presentation, we will learn about architecture of Nuxt 3 and hidden powerful features you might not have heard before.
04:45 PM
Jakub Andrzejewski
AVuengers Assemble! -> Jump into Headless with Nuxt 3 🚀
In this talk, I would like to guide you through the process of creating a Nuxt 3 application, that is powered by several different sources like CMS, Search, or/and Image Optimization. Almost like Thanos gauntlet powered by all infinity stones, your application will become the most powerful being in the universe. Just remember not to snap your finger.
05:10 PM
Coffee Break
06:30 PM
Harlan Wilton
Practical SEO in Nuxt 3
For my talk, I'd like to focus on the new Nuxt 3 features in head management. Let's set up your Nuxt 3 site for SEO that is maintainable, scalable and works!
07:00 PM
Daniel Roe
Beyond Static: Building with Nuxt 3 and Nitro
Daniel will be giving a talk about building a blog with Nuxt 3, and taking a deeper dive into some of the ways you can build your blog using Nuxt 3 utilizing the new tools that Nitro gives us, including ISR and some other route rules.
07:50 PM
Jenn Junod
MC Outro
Join the biggest gathering of Nuxt people LIVE
Join the largest gathering of Nuxters from across the world. Get a chance to listen to the most prominent Nuxt users and creators that will stretch your understanding of the framework.