
Welcome to the Nuxt Nation Offers page!

We’ve teamed up with our amazing platforms to provide you with some super offers. Get them before they are gone!

Past Offers

Vue School

Build something amazing with Vue.js by making use of this awesome deal and get access to 1000+ premium video lessons.

Our catalogue includes courses about Vue.js, Nuxt, Testing, Typescript, State Management with Pinia, Advanced Form Validation, Storybook with Vue.js, Vue Router 4, Vite and many more.

**Get 12 months of premium access for only $165 (Full Price $300) **That’s less than 18c per lesson!

OFFER LIMITED: During Nuxt Nation ONLY

Get 45% OFF a Yearly Vue School Plan
Vue.js Certification Program

Get the official Certification of Competence for the Vue.js Framework. Powered by Vue School, built with reviews from the Creator of Vue, Evan You, and interested Vue.js Core team members.

Buy now for up to 47% off, with the first 100 people to order scoring an extra $15 OFF with coupon code NUXTNATION23 on checkout!

25% of the proceeds of all sales go to supporting Vue.js, their core team, and the development of the Vue.js framework.

Offer available during Nuxt Nation conference only

Get Vue.js Certified for up to 47% off + an extra $15 OFF
Mastering Pinia

The only Pinia course you will ever need, by the author of Pinia, Eduardo San Martin Morote.

This is the ultimate guide to building Scalable, Robust Vue Apps and Implementing State Management the Right Way! Experience a different way of learning with video tutorials combined with hands-on coding exercises. Take your Vue apps to the next level.

Purchase the Complete course for 26% off, with the first 100 people to order scoring an extra $20 OFF with coupon code NUXTNATION23 on checkout!

A percentage of all sales goes to supporting the development of Pinia and Vue Router.

Offer available during Nuxt Nation conference only

Get your $20 OFF coupon for Mastering Pinia
Mastering Nuxt

Get the only official Nuxt 3 course and learn how to build robust, modern websites with Nuxt 3 from scratch. Or improve your website performance, code quality, while making better use of the framework.

Get the Mastering Nuxt 3 complete course for 30% OFF now.

  • Stream or download 7 chapters totaling over 86 video lessons
  • Access the exclusive Discord server
  • All the source code
  • Certificate of completion to add to your CV

Each course purchased also supports the Nuxt organization!

Offer ends soon!

Get Mastering Nuxt 3 for an amazing 30% off!
Vue School

Join our Vue School experts for our popular 5-hour online intensive Pinia workshop. By the end of the workshop, you will be able to develop elegant, debuggable, maintainable, and organized applications using a centralized store.

No prior experience with Pinia is needed.

Normal Price: $499 per seat Conference Special: $99.80 per seat (Pay 80% less!)

Book your entire team at this price and learn the officially recommended state management solution for Vue.js.

🗓️ October 25, 4pm CEST / 10am EDT

OFFER LIMITED: During Nuxt Nation ONLY

Get 80% off the State Management with Pinia Live Workshop

Meet Nuxt Studio, the Git-based CMS designed specifically for Nuxt developers. Studio is based on Nuxt Content and offers an intuitive interface for editing and managing content,collaborating with team members, and seamlessly deploying changes.

To celebrate the launch of Studio, we are offering an exclusive coupon for a 50% discount on the Pro plan for the first 2 months.

To claim your discount, simply enter the coupon code "NUXTNATION2023" during the checkout process.

Hurry, as this offer is only available for the first 100 teams!

Try Nuxt Studio for 50% OFF

Nuxt UI simplifies the creation of stunning and responsive web applications with its comprehensive collection of fully styled and customizable UI components designed for Nuxt.

Get 20% OFF on ALL Nuxt UI Pro products!

(first 100 people only)

20% OFF on all Nuxt UI Pro products (first 100 people only)
Vue School

Up to 60% off Annual or Lifetime plans

Limited time offer Conference exclusive. Order today.

Visit vue.school/bf24

Vue School Premium Offer
Mastering Nuxt

Regular Price: $269 Black Friday Price: $169

Extra Conference Savings: -$15 YOU PAY: $154 (Save $115!)

Use code: NUXTNOVEMBER Conference exclusive. Order today.

Mastering Nuxt Special
Mastering Pinia

Regular Price: $297 Black Friday Price: $149

Extra Conference Savings: -$20 YOU PAY: $129 (Save $168!)

Use code: PINIAEXPERT Conference exclusive. Order today.

Mastering Pinia Deal

Up to 55% off all certifications Extra $20 off*

Use code: BLACKFRIDAY24 Conference exclusive. Order today.

*Excludes junior exams

Certificates.dev Offer
Vue Bundle

Save 64% on the Ultimate Vue Bundle Extra $50 off

Use code: VUEHUGE Conference exclusive. Order today.

Ultimate Vue Bundle
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